Love Japan Omiyage: Chiba Prefecture Manhole Cover Souvenir Fridge Magnet/Coaster
Oamishirasato City, Chiba Prefecture is a residential city located in the southwest of Kujukurihama(sandy coast). The manhole design features a “Sunrise over Kujukurihama.” Discover Japan Manhole Cover Souvenirs at…
Love Japan Omiyage: Fukuoka Prefecture Manhole Cover Souvenir Fridge Magnet/Coaster
This design was created by Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Kitakyushu City Sewerage Works. It features the Wakato Bridge and the Kukinoumi Fireworks…
Love Japan Omiyage: Kanagawa Prefecture Manhole Cover Souvenir Fridge Magnet/Coaster
The manhole cover in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, was made to commemorate the capsule return of the asteroid probe “Hayabusa 2.” There is JAXA(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Sagamihara Campus in…
Love Japan Omiyage: Tochigi Prefecture Manhole Cover Souvenir Fridge Magnet/Coaster
“Cotto berry”, the mascot of Moka City in Tochigi Prefecture, is at the center of the design. Above Cotto berry is the Moka Railway’s “SL Moka.” At the bottom…
Love Japan Omiyage: Kyoto Prefecture Manhole Cover Souvenir Fridge Magnet/Coaster
A manhole cover in Omiya-cho, Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture, depicts the Kyotango-Omiya Station building, modeled after a Heian period dwelling named after Ono no Komachi, and one of the…
Love Japan Omiyage: Nagano Prefecture Manhole Cover Souvenir Fridge Magnet/Coaster
The manhole cover of Komoro City, Nagano Prefecture, features the “San no Mon” gate at Komoro Castle Ruins Kaikoen, with the beautiful Mount Asama behind it. The outside also…
Love Japan Omiyage: Aomori Prefecture Manhole Cover Souvenir Fridge Magnet/Coaster
Aomori Prefecture is located in the Tohoku Region of Japan, at the northernmost tip of Honshu. Tsugaru City is the number one producer of apples in Japan so the…
Love Japan Omiyage: Saga Prefecture Manhole Cover Souvenir Fridge Magnet/Coaster
There is Kyushu-Saga International airport in Saga City, Saga Prefecture, so the manhole cover has an illustration of an airplane on it. There is also a mudskipper, which is…
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